Six things I would do to stop overthinking & anxiety, and live my dreams in 3 months:

  1. Make a Plan: Have you started 2025 claiming you’ll make all these changes, how’s that going for you? Making a plan is the fun part. Write down your goal, and then break it down into small things you can do daily or weekly and DO THEM. Without a plan, you will only get so far!

2. Choose Courage: Has you fear ever stood in the way of your dreams? It takes a lot of courage to choose to make changes in your mental wellness & in how you live your life. Your mind will do anything (and I mean everything) to keep you stuck because where you are is likely a “safe place” for the mind; it’s familiar. Choosing courage and living your dreams means leaving the old behind and stepping onto a path that is unfamiliar (because it’s so good!). Choosing Courage is about acknowledging your fear and taking small steps in the direction of your dreams, despite the fear!

3. Practice Self Love: Ever have your inner critic judge and criticise you into submission? This will stop you! This will hold you back!!! Self love is something that is learned, and will help your mind to work with you rather than against you. 

4. Find Support: have you ever wanted to live differently but you don’t get very far? Those of you who’ve invested in your wellbeing will know that this is SO IMPORTANT. Choose to get support! Alone you will only get so far. And unless you’ve got great friends who don’t let you stay in the victim, you’ll have no one reflecting back to you your blind spots. You need someone to be real with you. To hold you accountable. And to guide you through tools you can use to create change (like Breathwork can). I am here to help you!

5. Radical Self Responsibility: Are you blaming the situation or the other person for your loss or challenge? There are always two people in a relationship, and so the dynamics that play out are part yours as well. Sorry that can be hard to hear. Whether you’re blaming a person, situation, or even the universe, perhaps you’ve not yet seen what part of the dynamic is yours. THAT is where your healing is. When you can look at yourself and realise what triggers, repeated patterns, things you’re unconsciously saying or doing that’s causing conflict, you can heal that! Radical Self Responsibility is the opposite of being a victim of your circumstances. This is where support comes in, someone to hold you accountable while you move through the stickiness of awareness when you realise what’s yours. You can’t control someone else’s behaviour, but you can control yours.

6. Practice Discipline: do you ever overthink yourself out of what you know is good for you? If you’ve ever tried cutting sugar from your diet (holy Moley 😰), you’ll know how hard this is! Self sabotage reers it’s ugly (yet loveable) head in order to 🥁 keep you safe. Choose to stick to your plan for a minimum of 30 days, and you’ll start creating new patterns. Choose to commit to your plan, whether it’s meditating every day, or using affirmations, or getting out of bed early, or adding exercise to your schedule (or all of the above!), you will see your plan executed!

Most Importantly:

You HAVE CHOICE: This is the theme throughout this post! The universe is not out to get you. Your life is your choice. If you are choosing the same things as last year, what you are choosing is only getting you so far.


The catalyst for my life now began here in this very spot