The Embodied Breath Academy is a school that teaches Rebirthing Breathwork, Integration and Embodiment Practices. Practitioners come away with a set of profound tools for deep transformational healing through breath, sound and movement.
The Embodied Breath Academy was (re)birthed in November 2020. This world needs angels, practitioners and healers to activate hearts and souls who are ready for transformation out of their old restrictive belief structures and into a new paradigm of unity, self love, self acceptance, limitlessness and freedom.
When one makes peace with the parts of themselves they shame, this healing extends to the people around them, creating a ripple effect of alternative & harmonising connections, deeper communication, & coming into a deeper state of coherent love & acceptance of others.
Your Journey
Your own Journey is the Key to Becoming a Naturally
Confident Rebirthing Breathwork Practitioner.
Being an excellent breathwork practitioner is about doing the work yourself and understanding the process from your own experience. One thing that sets this school apart is that it focuses very much on your own personal development first.
Too many breathwork facilitators, health professionals and coaches preach what they themselves do not yet embody – leaving them feeling insecure and like “frauds” because they haven’t been on the same journey as their clients.
In this program, you actively embody and practice every single thing you will use with your clients over and over again. This helps you to understand the process from the inside out.
After this first-hand experience makes you masterful at using the tools, you then learn how to apply them to your clients. All of this training allows you to exude natural confidence professionally.

I am Karina Kalilah; Rebirthing Breathwork Facilitator and Coach; and I create Sacred Sound Medicine with my voice and crystal bowls. I am a Freedom Fighter, Love is my medicine, and I am a Lover of Life in all it’s highs and lows. I activate Women & Men to stand your full power in your true potential through Rebirthing Ceremonies, Breathwork, Deep Soulful Sound Journeys & Voice Activation. Today I am able to share my story of healing through the modalities I offer that were the foundation to my healing process. I now share my most inspired and empowered self with you all.
I live and breathe this work, and is a testament to the healing modalities I facilitate. After over 10 experience in holding transformational spaces, I hold space so that you dive and drop into yourself to uncover the ever evolving and unlimited self, let go of the stories of the past, clear limiting beliefs, connect and reopen your heart and achieve a consistent state of presence and flow. Empowering you to achieve your dreams, to not play small and to love yourself, the light and the dark. This is my calling.
I love you.
Karina Kalilah
What We Stand For.
We support people in transforming old & outdated limiting belief systems.
Creating safe and loving spaces for people to transform.
Hold space for the awakening of self to take place in an individual who is ready for a deep life change.
Support people to live to their fullest potential, discovering their purpose, feeling embodied and anchored within.
Guide people back to deeper states of Self Love and Self Acceptance.
The new paradigm of WHOLE SELF.
Empower people to live beyond what they have been taught to believe about themselves and the world.
People to drop into the heart and live from that truth.
People who are ready to live beyond their limited beliefs about themselves and discover the truth of who you really are.
People who are ready for change and transformation to become their best self.

Under the Embodied Breath Academy, all teachers must:
Have moved through their own process of healing aspect/s of their life.
Have 20+ hours of private and group breathing experience as a receiver.
Feel confident to hold space for others to guide them into their own heart and their own truth.
Ask the client questions for them to come to their own conclusions about their life.
Create a container of safety (especially in online spaces).
Have an understanding of the role of Spiritual Purification practices and include them in your life.
Be committed to continued evolution of self through breath, embodiment practices, mind therapies and so on.
Receive breathwork sessions a minimum of 4x per year.
Keep a personal recount of first three clients you take through 10 sessions.
Keep a client record to refer back to throughout the time they work with you.
Refer a client on, or request support from a senior breathwork facilitator if they have a client that is moving through a challenge that they feel unequipped to support.
Always take care of your limit, your energy and your capacity: Know how many clients are too many for you.
Always cleanse your energy field before and after sessions.
Manage your appointments in a way that never rushes your client.
Have appropriate boundaries with your clients.
Teachers must not:
Guide without 100+hrs of Rebirthing Breathwork Facilitator Training & Receiving 10 Quality Rebirthing Sessions themselves.
Guide with an agenda.
Guide without creating a container of safety for the client.
Guide with an expectation that something big or explosive must happen during a session.
See their students as a person that need to be fixed.
Give advice unless it is requested by the client, or unless permission is granted from the client.
Judge or criticise their clients, EVER.
Encourage co-dependent relationships with clients.
Facilitate more than their capacity in group sessions alone. Recommended no more than 8 people with one facilitator.

If you think this is for you, but have questions?
“The Rebirthing Breathwork Facilitator Training with Karina was magical, mystical and miraculous. It took me to places in myself I have never transversed before and allowed me to step into a new space of genius in my own facilitating and space holding. Karina holds such a depth of wisdom and power of transformation that she offers so completely, sharing all of her knowledge to empower you in new ways. This is an absolute gift of Karina - her ability to hold you in such a potent space that you transform before your own eyes. I felt so ready and empowered to offer Rebirthing Breathwork that I had clients immediately after the training!”
~ Sam B, Sydney